Saturday, 3 November 2012

What going to happen on December 21 2012?

 December 21, 2012
                                  December 21 2012 all of interesting to know what going to happen on 21, 2012 December. Here is an explanation for that is our world going to stop their countdown. There is no one having  100% exact proof for what said above. I read that a big object (Niburu) one which going to crash the Earth.  If it happened, all places of earth and their invaluable treasure means life of each one will be destroyed with some period of years or month or day. December 21 2012 NASA mentioned that some changes to be happened in Earth.

 Is December 21 2012 End of the world?

I conform you that there is no one day for world is going to be destroyed completely. At the same time won’t refuse that world towards the end.  it will happen at future or as you thinking on december 21. everything has been  done by Nature. So there is no End on December 21. Be continued......

 What is coming to crash the world on December21-2012?

Read it one big object which has divided from master of galaxy that means sun. It is going to crash the world totally. The planet NIBURU also called planet x. In cause it would be happened the world should be destroyed entirely due to earthquake, floods, explosion of volcanoes, storm and melting ice. Niburu one of hot planet which is going to come towards earth if it happened there is a way to be made changes on earth angle or position said NASA.

Mayan calender


created by Abileosa

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